How to Face the Literatue Exam Well


If you read this, you are to take up a literature test soon. Hope these tips would help you to do well at the exam. To write this we read through the writings of many experts who faced similar types of exams. We all admit the fact that no one likes exams but they are required to test the knowledge so we have to face them. By preparing well, the amount of stress will be less and you can face the exam confidently.  


Before the exam

It is always vital to revise your knowledge before exams. If you have selected certain areas of the syllabus, re-read the notes related to them and freshen up your memory. Revise the ‘golden quotations’ related to the themes related to the texts. Before the exam, take a last minute revise to the quotations related to the texts. However, it is better if you are through with all the texts in your syllabus.


What is a good answer?

You may already know this. Literature answers have a clear cut format. If your answer consists of good opening and end, good paragraphs touching key points and are clearly argued, exhibiting thoughtfulness about the question asked, it is likely to get a good mark.


Write genuine answers

By hearted answers are less likely to work in the literature exams as it might not fit the question asked. Instead of by hearting the answers, try to remember the thematic analysis on different themes. Be yourself at the exam, answer logically by proving your ideas referring quotations from the text. As we always say, whatever you write, try to prove them with the examples from the original text! Don't try to impress the marker by using accessory information about the author's life, only use biographical information when it's relevant to the question.


Write legibly

Examiners are human, so writing neatly always is a plus point.  Your answers must be intelligible and clear. An untidy answer will predispose the marker against you. Also, check grammar and orthography. A student of English literature should not make many mistakes when writing.


Plan the order to tackle questions

Don’t waste much time on this. You will be given time to read through the question paper, read the whole paper before writing. Circle the questions you plan to answer. Tackle the easiest questions first which will boost your confidence, save time, enhance possibility to score more as well as give time to tackle harder questions.


Sketch a plan

Managing time is vital at the exam. Your answer can be less organized and important points might be missed if you do not have a good plan. Exam pressure can worsen the effect of this. Note the key words and write points using a style of a map. Jot down the important quotations you remember. Be quick and do not waste a lot of time on planning. Expand your sketch in the answer. Don’t forget to include an introduction and a conclusion that pulls everything together.


Answer the question

Don’t make the mistake many students make:  answering the question you want to answer, rather than the one being asked. No matter how brilliant your essay, you’ll get little credit if it’s answering a different question.


Don’t include more examples than you need to

You may know half a dozen examples to illustrate a particular point, but you don’t need to include all of them. One or two examples briefly cited will be enough to support your point, without wasting valuable time. Remember do not repeat the same point or same quotations.


If you get stuck

It is natural to get stuck at certain points. By having a plan is the way to avoid this. However, if you get stuck, try tackling a different question and then go back to the one you were stuck on. Reading the question paper before selecting the questions lessen this. If you are stuck, it is always good to get a break, focusing something else.


After writing

If you have time, try to read your answer and fix language errors. Edit things where necessary by cutting off the unnecessary point with a single line. Do not mess your answer script by editing it too much. Check whether you have written your index numbers, arranged the answers properly.


After the Exam

Now the exam is over, do not irritate yourself by revising what you have written. Whatever you have written, you cannot change now. Pondering over the questions and possible answers may increase your doubt which will affect your other subjects if you are to face other papers. Sit back and relax, you have done your best, let’s see what the result is. You can start right from there.


Hope these tips will help you to face your literature exam confidently. We wish you all the best to get the best results. Share this post if you have a friend sitting for the exam.  


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  1. Its good. What a perfect way to express the way of doing a literature exam.

  2. Can you please write another article about writing essays in Literature? (g.c.e o/l)

    1. actually, I have written some, use the search icon to search using key words like 'writing', 'quotation', 'paragraphs'
