Want to be a smart teacher? 10 Tips to be a Smart teacher

by Chathurika Gamaethige

A teacher acts an unforgettable and significant role in molding the life of a child. Smart teachers create smart students. Most of the teachers, whom the students meet in their life help children to accomplish their goals.

Though we meet variety of teachers, some teachers are unforgettable in our life.Close your eyes for a few minutes .Think about the unforgettable teacher or teachers in your life…Why do you feel that teacher or teachers as unforgettable? Are there any special qualities in them? Knock to your heart and think a little. Many reasons may scramble in your mind.Would you like to become an unforgettable teacher in a life of a child?

1.  The physical appearance

The physical appearance of a teacher is one of the plus points of an admirable and smart teacher. Do not mislead the concept of physical appearance is related with the beauty.
It is the acceptance received by a teacher who dressed neatly, attractively but in a simple and unique way. The image of a smart teacher always remains unshakably in the hearts of pupils.

2.  Be fun and energetic

Humor, energy and activeness always create positive image about a smart teacher in a mind of a child.

The children are young and active; their response to the teaching learning process is advanced. They are willing to see a teacher who moves with them, a teacher makes them laugh and smile with them. Teacher’s energetic and enjoyable entrance, their enthusiastic and active behavior in the classroom, and the glad way of leaving the classroom is always remained in the mind of children.
A smart teacher is always humorous, enthusiastic and active. A smart teacher has an added advantage of being humorous.

The children are always comfortable to open their academic problems with enthusiastic and active teachers. They know an enthusiastic teacher will give them perfect solutions for their problems rather than ‟serious looking” teachers. 

3. Be well educated; Be up- to- date

It is true, even a most successful teacher, does not know every nook and corner of the subjects. But a smart teacher, always keenly gather knowledge to update himself. For instance a smart teacher updates himself about the upcoming trends of teaching as online teaching, Google classroom and etc .
They research on how to implement technology into the classroom. Finally, a smart teacher transfers their knowledge to their pupils. It is inevitable of gathering children around a smart teacher who is a stock of knowledge.

4. Be creative

Creativity of a smart teacher is the stimuli which motivate children. Think about a traditional teacher who implements old ill torn methods and technology in teaching.

What is the reaction of students in such classroom when the teacher is teaching? Most of the children fall asleep during these periods. If you want to become a smart teacher, you must be creative. You must plan the lesson, applying new technologies, and methodologies to capture the attention of the entire classroom. Then your classroom will be a live television program which flows smoothly, effectively and perfectly with time. Both the teacher and child can enjoy this efficient lesson.
Be smart to add creativity your lesson. Then you will find the smart teacher in you.

5. Be punctual

A smart teacher should be always time consuming and be punctually appear to the class. If a teacher usually gets late to the class, the child takes it as an advantage and makes the classroom a mess with his friends. It is really difficult to establish the learning environment after the mess.
If you want be a smart teacher value, the time of your students and give them the maximum benefit of learning process.

6. Believe the potential of the child; take risks

Most of the teachers do not allow the children to rehearse novel concepts as it creates the deviation from the learning process in the limited time. Therefore, children become machines and only display the installed programs. The teachers who have narrow ideas destroy the creativity and enthusiasm of the children. A smart teacher should let the pupils to explore the unending world. Then only a teacher can find “Edisons”in their classroom.

If you want to become a smart teacher believe the talents and skills of the children. Take the risk of their future by letting them to use their talents in learning process. Be brave to motivate them and stand in their side.

Then the smart teacher in you will be identified by the children

7. Use good classroom language

Words are the most powerful source in a classroom. A smart teacher uses it as a key to open the awesome minds of children. Classroom language is the medium, which manages the relationship between the teacher and the pupil. If a teacher uses kind, motivated and most importantly friendly language, it will develop cordial rapport between the teacher and the student. A smart teacher should use the language to flow their love and warmth towards the children. Such smart teachers can easily inculcate the subject knowledge and the moral lessons easily in children. 

Be smart to manage a dear language in the classroom for a better tomorrow.

8. Be communicative; listen and be empathetic to the problems of pupils.

“My teacher changed my destiny”
“My teacher made my dream reality”

You may hear these types of word from children about their smart teachers.
How a teacher does gain such a prestige position in a life of a child?

The children in a classroom may be come from various cultural groups, and different social classes. They cope with different problems and therefore most of them are unable to engage in learning process successfully.

A smart teacher always listens to those problems and empathizes on such problems. Then the teacher gives the most reasonable and effective solution to escape from that problem and continue the education. If necessary, teacher passes the information to the parents and give recommendations to help children.

A smart teacher always manages a healthy relationship among the teacher, the child and the parents.

9. Be consistent

A smart teacher should not always be flexible towards students. A smart teacher should have some strict practices too. When a teacher handles the disciplinary problem, the teacher must always stick to it. If the teacher sets rules, a smart teacher should stick firmly to the point. It is because, the discipline always creates a god society.

Be smart; be consistent: Give your contribution to establish a disciplined society.

10. Set appropriate goals

A smart teacher is the close friend of a student. The teacher knows the strengths and weaknesses of the children. Those teachers know what types of goals are suitable for the development of the child. A smart teacher always set relevant goals to the children and help them to achieve those goals.

A smart teacher shares the same dreams similar to their children. Particular teachers live in the goals of children by motivating them, helping them, and sometime leading them as a guiding star.
Be a smart teacher who sets goals for the children and follow them until they achieve their life goals.

There are many more plus points of smart teachers which might inculcate in you. Use them. Be smart teachers in the life of children.


This article was kindly provided by by Chathurika Gamaethige who is a passionate teacher and student of literature and currently she is putting her wonderful ideas on medium.com

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